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The first NFT minted by SPACE team and celebrates SPACE launch, part of it is engraved on SPACE coin background. #1 SPACE LAUNCH

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There are millions of stars, planets and moons to explore.

Status: SoldSpace Market


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After the first jump, is like riding a bicycle.

Status: SoldSpace Market


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Home at Last

Some adventures are to have in a lifetime, others, one lifetime is not enough.

Status: SoldSpace Market


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The Wormhole, it will take you to another dimension, faster than light.

Status: MintedSpace Market


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Star Implosion

Some stars implode and turn into black holes, some of those black holes are full of rewards.

Status: MintedSpace Market


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Old Machinery

Humans left behind this old piece of technology. Wonder if it can be useful.

Status: SoonSpace Market


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Moon Trip Rocket

Thousands of these small rockets travel to the moon settlement every day.

Status: SoonSpace Market

Star Holder

This space traveler harness the power of stars.

Status:1 MintedSpace Market
Ice Comet

Ice comets preserve the most ancient wonders of the universe

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Plankton Comet

Space plankters favourite spot. The atmosfere is full of life.

Status:1 MintedSpace Market
Friendly UFO

They seem to be around and usually they are a friendly bunch.

Status:1 MintedSpace Market
Many Moons

Every moon is a complete new world full of possibilities

Status:1 MintedSpace Market
Glimpse of Light

A small glimpse of light in space darkness can reveal innumerous wonders.

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Space Helmet

Capable of withstanding the most adverse space conditions.

Status:1 MintedSpace Market

Green & Purple Nebula

The mysterious green and purple nebula is filled with wonders.

Status:1 Minted Space Market
Red & Yellow Nebula

One of the most active nebulas ever recorded.

Status: Minted Space Market
Orange Powered Black Hole

This unexplored black hole expels orange Hawking radiation with its gravitational force.

Status:1 Minted Space Market
Lift Off

The liftoff started the journey that changed everything.

Status:1 Minted Space Market
Space Gods

Are we really in control ?

Status: Soon Space Market
Human Controlled UFO

Humans have found ways to control some Aliens Flying Objects but still can not understand the tecnology fundamentals.

Status: Soon Space Market


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Purple Moon

Some days the purple moon reflection irradiates its beauty across planets

Status:1 Minted/1 Sold Space Market


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Blue Dragon Nebula

We used to look at this nebula and find spiritual meaning on its shape.

Status:1 Minted Space Market


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Abstract $SPACE Rocket

This rocket uses holders for combustion.

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Red Nebula Traveler

The special suit allow this astronaut to explore red nebulas.

Status:1 Minted/1 sold Space Market


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Rings of Space

The special material that orbits Space Coin.

Status: 1 Minted Get it Soon


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Drop in the Ocean

Some ocean Worlds feel just like home.

Status: Minted Space Market


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Facing Fears

Every explorer has to overcome his greatest fears to survive.

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